Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mental Health & You

Mental health is a topic I don't discuss with any one.  However, I do take note when it's brought up by others, in the news, overhearing something from family or friends.

I think it's something that makes people uncomfortable, myself included.  What is it that makes us uncomfortable?  Perhaps it's not knowing what it actually is?

Dictionary.com definition 

mental health


psychological well-being and satisfactory adjustment to society and to the ordinary demands of life.
the field of medicine concerned with the maintenance or achievement of such well-being and adjustment.

Merriam Webster definition

Definition of mental health

1 : the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life also : the general condition of one's mental and emotional state

2 : health care dealing with the promotion and improvement of mental health and the treatment of mental illness often used before another noun
I understand physical health a bit more.  We probably all feel more comfortable talking about physical fitness and related topics like getting fit, diet, machines at a gym, etc.

Both definitions above mention the "demands of ordinary life".  Ordinary life...hmmm.  Let's think about that for a minute.  

There are many, many pressures and demands in each of our lives.  Think about how you fit into everything and all you do for others.  Make a list.  Look at it later.  Did you miss anything?  Now make time to just breathe deeply for at least 10 seconds.  Tomorrow make it 30 seconds, the next day 60 seconds.  I'm not expert, but I do know allowing myself to get all stressed out is no good for anyone around me.  I challenge you to make lists every day until you feel ready and willing to meet the day's tasks.  Start with 5 minutes in the morning and before you go to bed.  Increase those minutes to 30 over a week or two week's time.  Assess how you feel doing this.  Add it to your daily routine.  Notice how others react to your "me-time".  Adjust as needed.

If you are just feeling like there is no help, no cure, no winning, please get some professional help.  Call a hotline.  Go visit your doctor and share what's going on with you.  You're taking care of yourself.  This is a good thing.

The following Pinterest pins are ones I appreciate and chose to share with you, my readers.  I hope it will spark good, thoughtful questions and guide you to answers.  I think many of us have our own mental health that needs to be given the care and tenderness we all deserve.  

Whatever you are going through at this moment, at any given moment, deserves our full attention.  The part we play in the lives of others, our loved ones, family and friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and fellow human beings is important enough for us to always make time for being mindful, living each moment and self-care.  Our #mentalhealthmatters; yours, mine, theirs.

One last thing, during the holidays it's quite easy to feel harried and harassed especially with our cultural and traditional demands.  Asking for help is a good thing.  I know personally that it's darn stressful to do something all by myself because I just prefer it this way.  I've learned to put aside my pride and ask for help and boy has it been much easier to make grand plans and pull them off with just a little help!  

As the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend arrive, I wish you all good health, happiness, and many blessings.  Y O U matter!
SALAMAT Filipino
MALO Tongan
Kalahngan! Mesulang! Kuloh!  Kinissow! Kommol! Kammagar!
Micronesia Sister Islands

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Living Life to the Fullest!

#November blessings!
Favorite people include #MaryDavis, author of #EveryDaySpirit.  I love her thoughtful quotes that seem to touch me in a special way and guides me to reflect on my personal goings on each time I read one of her posts.  Some days, it's as if she is speaking to me directly and it's just what I needed in that moment!  I also tribute these to my sweetest Jesus, for every blessing, and who knows what I need each moment of my life.

I have many, many #favoritepeople who I am so grateful for and love to the moon and back.  My hubby, Henry Dean Tydingco Dela Cruz, my siblings, Christine Margaret Flores-Dela Cruz/TINA, Laverne Roslyn Flores/VERNE, +Vincent Mark Flores/BOBOY, Mary Elizabeth Flores/MARE, and Timothy Bryan Flores/TIM... their partners and children are also very special to me in one way or another, and of course, my extended family members!  So many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and our beautiful #Godchildren!

Victoria Santos McDonald, RIA/TORI, 
Lauren Flores Martinez/NANI, 
Garrett John Badajos, 
Paulina Catherine Richards, 
Dominique Pilar Flores/BABY/NIKKI
Jonathan Jude Flores/JON, 
Jesusenta Cruz Rojas/SENTA, 
Tiffany Ann Leilani Flores Mesa/TIPPERLY, and 
Chasitie Reyes/CHAS.


November is a favorite month. Simply because it falls during the autumn season.  While I am an island girl, I do love this special season!  Cooler temps, beautiful flaming colors, and pumpkin patches!  Things slow down and it's a time for reflection and thoughtful consideration of the year coming to a close, a new one coming upon us, and #Thanksgiving & #Christmas arrives and we focus on family and friends and all of our blessings. #partytime! 

When you are not sure what to do:  

As we enjoy November and thanksgiving meals with loved ones, I wish you joy in your heart, good food in your tummy, and love that only your special ones can give you.

Abiding in love,

Photos belong to their original owners; found on Pinterest.com or shared with me by family & friends.  

Friday, November 08, 2019

Family & Links I Love!

November is all about giving thanks with grateful hearts & family Even if you can't all be together, technology allows us to share special moments.   We do this with one of my Goddaughters in California during the main celebration, like meal time!

Merriam Webster defines family as:
1a : the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family a single-parent family
b : spouse and children want to spend more time with my family

2 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household

3a : a group of persons of common ancestry : clan
b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race

4a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : fellowship

Today, family is anyone you have a relationship with.  Strangers become family over time.  Friends become family since grade school.

Links I found and love that talk about family and the many descriptions and definitions, plus some new ideas to create your own traditions for Thanksgiving.

1.  https://family.lovetoknow.com/about-family-values/meaning-family
2.  https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/thanksgiving-traditions/
3.  https://cyberparent.com/relationships/define-family-true-meaning-family/
4.  https://psychcentral.com/lib/10-tips-for-surviving-thanksgiving-with-the-dysfunctional-family/
5.  https://www.care.com/c/stories/3743/10-family-thanksgiving-traditions-you-should/